Photos showing progress on the construction of the Liverpool Canal Link, May 2008. [Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4]
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These photos cover the route of the new canal link in sections, from south to north, from Canning Dock to Trafalgar Dock.

From the Pier Head, the canal passes through a longer tunnel beneath St Nicholas Place and beneath this site between the Crowne Plaza Hotel and the ferry terminal, to emerge at Princes Dock.

Looking back towards the Liver Building and Pier Head from Princes Dock, showing the canal emerging from the tunnel..

The canal leaves the tunnel and enters a new lock constructed in a corner of Princes Dock. This photo shows the downstream landing area. The lock-side platforms hang out over the water to give an impression of the lock floating. The lock has a rise of only around 1 metre.

The Crowne Plaza Hotel, overlooking the new lock in Princes Dock.

The head gates of the new lock in Princes Dock showing the balance beam sweep on the wooden decking of the lockside.

The new lock in Princes Dock.

The new lock in Princes Dock, with the Crowne Plaza Hotel and the Liver Building in the background. The tower of St Nicholas, the Parish Church of Liverpool, can just be seen behind the hotel.

The footbridge that crosses over half way along Princes Dock has now been raised to give navigable headroom.

The new bridge at the north end of Princes Dock, leading into Princes Half Tide Dock.

The new bridge at the north end of Princes Dock, leading into Princes Half Tide Dock.