Photos showing progress on the construction of the Liverpool Canal Link, October 2007. [Page 1, Page 2.]
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The construction of a canal route right across the Pier Head area has had to be carefully planned, as access routes to the new Cruise Liner facility, ferry terminal and buildings have to be maintained, and work at the southern end of the site has had to be co-ordinated with the new museum construction. Sections of tunnel have been constructed in separate phases, so that, once complete, they can be covered over and the access routes moved to go across them. Then the remaining sections of the canal link can be built.

This section of canal tunnel, at St Nicholas Place, was the first to be constructed, across the infilled Floating Roadway site, earlier in the year. The area in the foreground has only recently been excavated in order to continue the channel southwards. (For photo of inside of tunnel see May 2007 pages.)

Looking north at St Nicholas Place towards Princes Dock. The next section of tunnel (under the road and linking to Princes Dock) will be contructed later as part of a separate contract.

Looking southwards from in front of the Liver Building. The section of canal being constructed here will be open to the sky, running between two sections of tunnel.

The excavation has revealed the stonework of buttresses that supported the dock wall of Georges Dock Basin, which has long been infilled.

The new Pier Head Tunnel in front of the Cunard Building is nearing completion. It will be covered over and the paved area will be re-instated. The restored statue of King Edward VII will then be put back in place.

The new Pier Head Tunnel in front of the Cunard Building, with the Port of Liverpool Building receiving attention in the background.

The new Pier Head Tunnel, with the Liver Building in the background.