Photos showing progress on the construction of the Liverpool Canal Link, May 2008. [Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5.]
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These photos cover the route of the new canal link in sections, from south to north, from Canning Dock to Trafalgar Dock.

The tunnel from the northern end of the Pier Head passes under St Nicholas Place and curves leftwards towards Princes Dock.

Looking back towards the Liver Building from Princes Dock. The roof of the curved tunnel is still being constructed.

The spot where the canal link breaks through into Princes Dock.

The southern part of Princes Dock has been drained to enable to construction of a lock where the canal link emerges from the tunnel..

Looking northwards along the drained Princes Dock towards the white footbridge, with the new lock under construction to the left.

Looking back across Princes Dock towards the lock under construction in the far corner.

The footbridge that crosses the mid point of Princes Dock will need to be raised to give sufficient clearance for boats to pass beneath it.

Another view of the footbridge that is being lifted.

At the northern end of Princes Dock, a road has been built across the entrance to Princes Half Tide Dock with small culverts to let water through. This is about to be removed and replaced with a bridge.