Photos showing progress on the construction of the Liverpool Canal Link, May 2008. [Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4.]
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These photos cover the route of the new canal link in sections, from south to north, from Canning Dock to Trafalgar Dock.
The construction of a canal route right across the Pier Head area had to be carefully planned, as access routes to the new Cruise Liner facility, ferry terminal and buildings needed to be maintained, and work at the southern end of the site has had to be co-ordinated with the new museum construction. Sections of tunnel were constructed in separate phases, so that, once complete, they were covered over and the access routes moved to go across them. The remaining sections of the canal link were then built.

The view of the Liverpool Canal Link across the Pier Head from the roof of the Cunard Building, looking south, showing the Museum of Liverpool under construction and the Albert Dock in the background.

View south from Cunard Building, looking towards Albert Dock and Canning Half Tide Dock. The small Mann Island Basin, which is part of the Canal Link, can be seen left of centre.

The view of the Canal Link from the Cunard Building looking north, with the ferry terminal behind. The link continues through a tunnel to Princes Dock, which is out of sight to the right.

The Canal Link crossing Pier Head looking southwards towards new Museum of Liverpool and the tunnel leading under Mann Island to Canning Dock.

The Pier Head, looking northwards, with the Three Graces (the Liver Building, the Cunard Building and the Port of Liverpool Building) on the right and the new cruise liner terminal on the left.

The canal runs in a tunnel below the central part of the Pier Head, where newly-laid grass surrounds the statue of Edward VII mounted on his horse.

The canal in front of Liver Building where there is another area of paving and seating.

Pier Head, looking south from in front of the Liver Building, with the Alfred Lewis Jones Memorial, the Cunard Building and Port of Liverpool Building on the left and the new liner terminal on the right.