Photos showing the completed construction of the Liverpool Canal Link, March 2009. [Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4]
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These photos cover the route of the new canal link in sections, from south to north.

In Salthouse Dock, adjacent to Albert Dock, new floating pontoons have been installed that will have electricity and water available. These will be able to accommodate around 40 narrowboats and 4 wide beam boats. These will be available for visitor moorings and can be booked through BW's Wigan office when booking passage from Maghull to Liverpool.

Another view of the new finger pontoons in Salthouse Dock, giving a preview of the vista that visiting boaters will enjoy. On the left are the Grade 1 listed warehouses around Albert Dock, built in 1846. The chimney stands above the Pumphouse (now a pub), built in 1878, which housed the steam engines which provided the high-pressure water for the hydraulic hoists around the dock. In the distance are the "Three Graces" that characterise Liverpool's iconic waterfront. On top of all that the moorings are less than ten minutes walk from the new Liverpool One shopping area.

Looking across Canning Dock to the entrance to the new Mann Island lock, with the new Museum of Liverpool in the background.

Close-up of entrance to Mann Island lock.

Mann Island Basin and Lock, with the Great Western Railway warehouse on the right.

Close-up of Mann Island Lock, with the lightship on Canning Dock behind.

Mann Island Basin, with the Great Western Railway warehouse behind and the Albert Dock warehouses on the right.

Mann Island Basin, looking towards the Pier Head and the "Three Graces".