Part Two of the route of the new canal link. (Back to Part One.)

The two waterloo Docks connect to Princes Half Tide Dock. This is being partially infilled to reduce its depth. The Liver Building is seen in the distance.

Looking back across Princes Half Tide Dock towards East Waterloo Dock.

Looking across Princes Half Tide Dock towards West and East Waterloo Docks. The Victoria Tower can be seen in the centre of the picture. The Mersey estuary is beyond the walls to the left.

Immediately south of the Half Tide Dock is Princes Dock, in two sections, with a pedestrian bridge between the two sections.

Closer view of the bridge across Princes Dock, with the Liver Building in the background.

looking back along the northern section of Princes Dock.

The footbridge across Princes Dock. This fixed bridge does not have enough navigable height beneath it, so will need to be replaced, either with a movable bridge or one with more clearance below.

Princes Dock, looking northwards. A new channel will be created, leaving the dock approximately in the location the photograph was taken.