Looking back to Bradley Lock, with "Mucky Mountains" on the right. These mounds consist of waste from the nearby soda making industry. Musprat's Vitriol Works produced two tons of waste for each ton of soda.

Bradley Swing Bridge, which no longer rotates.

Bradley Swing Bridge.

Looking south-east from Bradley Swing Bridge, near Earlestown.

A picturesque stretch of canal between Bradley Swing Bridge and Hey Lock.

A short distance to the west the humble Sankey Brook flows between the fields.

The infilled Hey Lock, near Vulcan Village. The engine works at Vulcan Village, established in the 1830s, were where many thousands of railway locomotives were built. The streets of workers' cottages have been preserved.

The canal below Hey Lock is popular with fishermen. The edging stones here were originally paving slabs from St Helens.

Newton Brook was at one time culverted below the canal. However, it now cuts through the canal by way of this concrete and steel piled channel.