The line of the Sankey Canal at the site of Parr Mill.

Reaching Park Road, Rainford Brook flows straight ahead to meet the Sankey Brook. The route of the canal turned sharp left to run alongside the road for a short distance.

Looking back along the route of the canal, alongside Park Road.

Looking eastwards towards the site of Redgate Bridge, near the Princess Royal pub.

This busy junction by the Princess Royal pub was the site of Redgate Swing Bridge, where the canal crossed to run alongside Boardmans Lane.

The route of the canal ran alongside a narrower Boardmans Lane, roughly along the boundary between the lane and the car park of St Augustine's School.

Behind the school, playing fields now cover the route of the canal as it ran eastwards towards the Old Double Locks.
To reach the Old Double Locks, follow Boardmans Lane as it curves to the right. Just before it crosses the Sankey Brook, turn left up a ramp and follow the tarmac path along the edge of the playing fields.

The canal line ran to the left of the pylon, just beyond the green fence, but a new tarmac path makes an it easy to walk over the field to the Old Double Locks.

Looking back along the line of the canal towards Boardmans Lane, from near the Old Double Lock. The canal line ran straight down the centre of the photo.

The infilled canal line continues towards the Old Double Lock.

Beyond the playing field, the canal is back in water, although thick with reeds, at a junction. The main line enters the photo from the right, turning right to descend the Old Double Lock, while the Blackbrook Branch joins from the left.
This virtual journey now takes a detour up the Blackbrook Branch before returning to the Old Double Lock.