This page features photographs from the collection of Mike Dilger, who ran the White Lion public house in Castlefield.

Conveyor used for lifting spoil from the bed of the ship canal and loading it into waiting wagons.
Photo: Mike Dilger Collection

Drawing showing work beginning on excavating the canal at Eastham.
Photo: Mike Dilger Collection

Loaded wagons on the canal bed. This appears to be at one of the junctions with the River Mersey.
Photo: Mike Dilger Collection

Furnicular rail lift to raise loaded carts from the base of the canal. At the top of the lift, the carts were emptied into wagons waiting below the platform..
Photo: Mike Dilger Collection

A scene during the construction of Latchford Locks in 1890. A flood has caused damage to the track and wagons. The remaining flood water has frozen over.
Photo: Mike Dilger Collection

One of the "tin town" settlements built to house the workers and their familes during construction of the canal.
Photo: Mike Dilger Collection

The steep slopes of the cuttings alongside the canal were stabilised using a technique in which rows of stakes were driven into the ground and bundles of willow sticks, known as fascine, were fastened between them.
Photo: Mike Dilger Collection

Another view showing the fascine being installed.
Photo: Mike Dilger Collection