At Wigan Pier, the canal makes a right-angled turn at Pottery Bridge. This photo looks back through Pottery Bridge towards Wigan Locks, with Trencherfield Mill on the left. The canal to the right heads for Liverpool and to the left for just a few yards to the Terminal Warehouse.

Number 1 Terminal Warehouse at Wigan Pier. This was built in the 1820s at the head of what was originally the Wigan branch of the canal. It has two bays for boats to enter for loading and unloading.

"The Orwell" at Wigan Pier, formerly Gibson's warehouse, originally built in 1777, re-built in 1984.

"The Orwell" on the left, the Terminal Warehouse ahead with the canal from Leeds through Pottery Bridge on the right.

Looking in the other direction from the Terminal Warehouse, with Pottery Bridge on the left and the canal to Liverpool straight ahead.

The warehouse on the right previously housed the "Wigan Pier Experience", now closed.

On the opposite side, just past the warehouse, can be seen the original "Wigan Pier". It was a coal tippler and consisted of two curved rails at the end of a tramway from a colliery. The waggons would be brought right to the edge of the canal to be tippled so that their contents went straight into waiting barges. A mile post can be seen to the right of the coal tippler.
Wigan Pier became the subject of music hall jokes and later featured in the title of George Orwell's book "The Road to Wigan Pier".