South of Kings Road, the canal route is occupied by car sales yards and offices. This is approximately the location of Spinkwell Locks, a two-rise staircase, and the start of the summit pound of the canal.

Spink Well, on the hillside above the site of Spinkwell Locks.

The line of the canal passes under the new dual carriageway and yet another car showroom as it follows Canal Road, curving toward the centre of Bradford.

The canal line was between Canal Road and Bolton Road. The buildings on the left are on the line of the canal. Those on the right backed onto the canal route.

Warehouses in Canal Road alongside the former canal route.

Forster Square, built on the site of the original canal terminal basin, is now a building site.

The redevelopment at Forster Square, the site of the original terminal basin, with the tower of Bradford Cathedral visible in the background.