A short way beyond Broad Oak Basin, a footbridge carries the towpath route across a new channel which has been cut to let the Black Brook flow into the Sankey Brook. The line of the canal continues ahead, to the left, parallel with the river.
Several short sections of canal remain in water as isolated fishing ponds.
Another isolated section of canal in water.
A path continues alongside the line of the canal.
Near the junction with the track leading down from Wagon Lane is Engine Lock. This has recently been excavated after been filled in and covered over for many years. A swing bridge over the lock was used by miners from the nearby Southport Colliery.
(Photo: Jeff Round)
The walker in search of the line of the canal may be confused by areas of water to the north side of the path, a short way east of the site of Engine Lock. These are in fact Havannah Flashes - two areas of open water caused by ground subsidence where the nearby Havannah Colliery mined too close to the surface! The line of the canal has been infilled here, and lies on the other side of the path, between the flashes and the Sankey Brook.
Havannah Flashes on the left of the path, with the infilled line of the canal to the right.
Beyond the flashes, the canal line continues, infilled and overgrown.