These pictures taken on May 28th 2001.

The huge crowds around Armentieres Square during the Stalybridge Renaissance Festival. Stalybridge's very own dome appeared, housing an ice skating rink. Two trip boats were kept busy the whole weekend running passenger trips along the stretch of canal between Armentieres Square and Mottram Road.
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Some of the crowds in Armentieres Square earlier in the day. Later on the square became even more packed to hear live performances on a stage on the south side.

The lockside of Lock 6W was the only empty space around Armentieres Square. Enormous interest was created each time a boat passed through the lock.

Stalls lined Trinity Street. There were also stalls and events in Corporation Street and Melbourne Street. Groups of street performers moved around the town throughout the day.

Traditional fairground attractions such as swing boats and a carousel were situated in front of the re-opened Victoria Market Hall. More modern fairground attractions were to be found on part of the Tesco car park off Corporation Street.
Click here to see pictures of the restoration work on the Huddersfield Narrow Canal.
Click here to take a Virtual Trip along the whole Huddersfield Narrow Canal.