Looking westwards towards Barnsley from near Barnsley Junction.

Looking back eastwards towards Barnsley Junction, with the disused Barnsley Main Colliery visible in the distance.

Approaching the end of the short restored section in water.

Looking back along the restored section of canal, near Barnsley.

The next section of canal has been landscaped, with the towpath embankment on the right having been removed. On the left was a once busy wharf, originally where coal from Mount Osbourne Colliery was loaded, then later serving Redfearn's glass works, which were built on the site.

Approaching the site of the former Harborough Hills Bridge.

Looking back from the former Harborough Hills Bridge.

Beyond Harborough Hill Road, the loading area of the PC World store was once the site of Barnsley Basin. The stone wall along the left was the off-side wharf wall, above which was a five-storey warehouse with a hoist for loading goods directly to and from boats. Looking westwards towards the site of Old Mill Lane Bridge.

Mooring rings can still be seen on the former wharf wall at the back of the PC World store.