Looking back from School Lane, Walton, half a mile further on. The line of the canal curves round between the field and the houses and is overgrown. Three of the twelve locks in the Walton flight were situated along this section.

The infilled bridge near School Lane, Lower Town, Walton. The fourth Walton lock was immediately beyond the bridge. The line of the canal from here to Shay Lane is innaccessible and has been partly built on.

The infilled bridge near School Lane, Walton.

New development of houses off Shay Lane, Walton, on the line of Walton Locks, seen from the site of the former Soap House Bridge.
The housing development is even named "Walton Locks"!

On the south side of Shay Lane, the towpath remains as a footpath but gardens and a driveway to houses occupy the site of the canal. The seventh lock in the Walton flight was situated where the low fence now stands.

The route continues across a green area.

Looking back towards Shay Lane.

The line of the canal can be followed between two housing estates. The eighth lock was situated here.

A gate recess remains of the eleventh of the twelve Walton Locks.
Part of the stonework of the other side of the lock chamber can be found among the vegetation on the left.