January 2001: Looking east towards the bridge site before work started.

August 31st 2001: Looking east towards the culverted bridge at Ben Healey. The western half of the new bridge is being constructed. The concrete sides of the bridge tunnel have been cast. The steel re-inforcements for the tunnel roof are in place. The road will be diverted over this part of the bridge while the eastern half is constructed. The "flume" pipe leading from the culvert maintains a flow of water into the pound between here and Smithy Bridge.

May 20th 2002: The same view showing the completed bridge.

June 8th 2001: Looking north east to the culverted bridge. The culvert that carried the flow of water through the in-filled bridge can be seen in the centre of the picture. The Waterside Inn is on the right. The new bridge is to be built in the area on the left of the picture, west of the original bridge. By this means the road will remain open throughout the construction period.

May 20th 2002: The completed bridge looking north-east. The concrete walls have been clad with stone. The towpath through the bridge is almost ready.

June 1st 2001: Looking south across the site of the new bridge. Sheet piles are being driven into the ground. On the right, the canal continues westwards towards Smithy Bridge.

December 3rd 2001: The same view with this part of the bridge complete.

February 27th 2002: To prevent erosion of the embankment, Rows of tanalised wooden posts supporting a mesh screen are being put in place along this section of canal. This will provide an environment for reeds and plantains behind the posts.
Next page: Smithy Bridge
My thanks to A E Yates Ltd for providing access to the site to take these photographs.