June 28th 2002: Looking into the new box culvert tunnel below the road junction. Two months previously, traffic from the motorway joined the roundabout roughly where the bridge parapet is. The tunnel gets wider at this end to assist the navigation of a tight bend.

June 13th 2002: This picture looks south west towards Gorrels Way from the former Edinburgh Way roundabout along the line of the new canal channel being built alongside the motorway. The new channel is 130 metres long and will not have a towpath. The embankment that carried the roundabout has been excavated to link the new box culvert tunnel (left) with the new channel to Gorrels Way (right of centre).

June 13th 2002: Looking through the new box culvert tunnel from the location shown in the previous picture. The tunnel is being extended to allow construction of a dedicated slip road for traffic from the motorway turning left towards Rochdale.

June 13th 2002: Looking towards Gorrels Way. To the left,. a retaining wall has been formed with a row of concrete piles which is being given a smooth concrete face.

June 28th 2002: Looking towards the culvert tunnel from the new channel. Concrete piles were sunk along the side of the canal route to support the embankment. The canal turns sharply right as it enters the tunnel. The bend is being given sufficient width to enable easy navigation.
Next page: New channel from Edinburgh Way to Gorrels Way, page 2