The A627M runs along the line of the canal for around 100 metres between the Edinburgh Way roundabout and Gorrels Way. The route of the canal is being diverted to run alongside the motorway and under the Edinburgh Way / motorway intersection.

December 3rd 2001: The steel re-inforcements are been assembled for the construction of the future concrete wash wall of the canal channel. The other side of the channel will be below the yellow markers.

March 25th 2002: A wall of concrete piles has been driven into the foot of the motorway embankment and the ground in front of the piles has been excavated, clearing a path for the new channel. A concrete wall is being constructed in front of the piles.

June 28th 2002: The completed channel in water.

June 13th 2002: Looking south-west along the route of the new channel towards the bridge being constructed at Gorrels Way. A waterproof liner is being laid along the bottom and protected by a layer of sand.

June 28th 2002: The channel is now in water. The ground to the right has been built up to the level of the wash wall.

June 28th 2002: Looking north-east along the new channel running parallel with the motorway link from the new bridge at Gorrels Way.
Next page: Gorrels Way Bridge