[For News from January 2010 onwards, see Pennine Waterways News Blog]
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Rochdale Summit - Book Now for Christmas!

Summit of Rochdale Canal

December 18th 2009
Anyone intending to take a boat across the Rochdale Canal summit over Christmas or New Year should book their passage quickly.
If you want to cross the summit between Monday December 28th and Monday January 4th you must book by Thursday 24th December before 12.00 noon. This is because BW's office that handles bookings will be closed between Christmas and New Year.
There will be no passages on Christmas Day, Boxing Day or New Year's Day.
Passages on the Rochdale Canal Summit can be booked by phoning BW on 01782 785703.
The same booking arrangements also apply to passages along the Rochdale Canal between Lock 65 in Failsworth and Lock 83 in Manchester.
Dangerous Building in Sowerby Bridge

Tuel Lock, Rochdale Canal

December 17th 2009
A dangerous building has led to the closure of the Rochdale Canal and towpath in Sowerby Bridge.
British Waterways says that the canalside building has the potential to collapse across the canal.
The canal above Tuel Lock is currently closed to enable investigation of embankment leaks so BW has extended the section of canal currently closed to include the area affected by the dangerous building.
Any enquiries regarding this stoppage should be made to BW on 01782 785703.
Oil Spill shuts New Junction Canal

Sykehouse Lift Bridge, New Junction Canal

December 17th 2009
An oil spillage has closed the New Junction Canal, Yorkshire, between Sykehouse Lift Bridge and Sykehouse Lock.
The canal has been closed until the oil spill can be contained and removed. The stoppage is necessary to prevent the oil being spread further afield by boat movements.
Contractors will be on site tomorrow to begin the clear-up. An update will be issued on Friday 18th December at midday.
Any enquiries regarding this stoppage should be made to BW on 0113 281 6860.
24th Dec: No update to this stoppage received yet from BW.
Paddle Failure on Rochdale
December 8th 2009
A failed paddle has led to a temporary stoppage at Lock 14 on the Rochdale Canal, between Hebden Bridge and Todmorden.
The broken top paddle at Holmcoat Lock is causing a substantial loss of water to the pounds above.
British Waterways will replace the paddle as a matter of urgency. An update will be issued on Tuesday 15th December.
Any enquiries regarding this stoppage should be made to BW on 01782 785703.
24th Dec: No update to this stoppage received yet from BW.
Electrical Fault stops passage to Liverpool

Hall Lane Bridge, Leeds and Liverpool Canal

December 11th 2009
Navigation to and from Liverpool is affected by an electrical fault on a swing bring in Maghull.
Maghull Hall Bridge (number 12) at Hall Lane, Maghull, is temporarily inoperable. Contractors have been on site and will return on Monday to re-assess the situation.
British Waterways will issue an update notice on Monday 14th December 2009.
Any enquiries regarding this stoppage should be made to BW on 01942 405700.
This stoppage is 2.5 miles before the start of the section of canal into Liverpool on which passage must be booked.
Update (18th Dec):
Repairs are now complete and the navigation has re-opened.
Silt blocks Calder and Hebble

Calder and Hebble at Brookfoot, where Red Beck feeds into the navigation..

December 8th 2009
There is a temporary stoppage on the Calder and Hebble Navigation between Ganny Lock and Brookfoot Lock, west of Brighouse.
Following recent heavy rain, silt from Red Beck has built up into a bar, making navigation impossible.
British Waterways will start dredging work on Monday 14th December. An update will be issued when navigation has been restored.
Any enquiries regarding this stoppage should be made to BW on 0113 281 6800.
The Calder and Hebble Navigation was plagued by a series of prolonged or unexpected stoppages earlier in the year.
Update (16th Dec):
BW hopes to have the dredging completed and the navigation re-opened by mid afternoon on Friday 18th December..
Barnby Dun Bridge Closed

Barnby Dun Lift Bridge.

December 3rd 2009 updated Dec 3rd
Barnby Dun Lift Bridge on the Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation is closed due to a hydraulic failure.
The bridge is between Doncaster and the junction of the Stainforth & Keadby and New Junction Canals.
British Waterways says that engineers are assessing the situation and that repairs will be instigated as soon as possible.
Any enquiries regarding this stoppage should be made to BW on 0113 281 6800.
Update (3rd Dec):
The navigation is now re-opened.
Online Petition Gathers Pace
November 25th 2009
On online petition on the Downing Street website is gathering momentum among waterway supporters.
The petition reads: "We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to protect our canals by not selling off property owned by British Waterways."
Petition creator Ian Rees added these statements in support of the petition: "Further to recent announcements concerning the potential sell-off of properties owned by British Waterways by the Treasury, we petition the Prime Minister to give assurances that our canals will be protected and recent levels of investment, a credit to Labour, is maintained.
"Our canals are great source of pleasure for many people in the country, providing a source of employment through tourism and associated businesses. They're also home to many forms of wildlife. Without proper management this will ebb away and the network return to a state of decay and ruin.
"We urge the Government to allow British Waterways to retain its property portfolio, protecting its essential source of revenue and ensure the sustainability of its work."
The petition follows an item on BBC TV's The Politics Show speculating that BW's property portfolio could be sold off to help plug the Government's financial deficit.
BW responded by pointing out that the Government had decided earlier in the year, following a Treasury-led review, that British Waterways' 1,400 canalside properties should not be sold, although it acknowledged that things could change.
Save Our Waterways commented: "It would be a very short-sighted decision if the government were to sell off BW's property portfolio. Not only would the amount raised not be great in a recession, but it would deprive BW of a vital source of income, meaning that the government would have to pump additional money into BW in the future just to maintain the system at a basic level."
The story about the possible sell-off spread alarm amongst waterway users, despite BW's reassurances, resulting in the online petition.
The petition came to the notice of the Inland Waterways Association who have indicated that they support the statements in the petition and have been encouraging people to add their names.
Some people are doubtful about the effectiveness of petitions, but the IWA points out: "The worst outcome now that this is in the public domain, would be if this petition receives scant support. That might give Ministers the impression that there are few waterways supporters who care very much about the issue. On the other hand, if it is well supported, the Government, this close to an election, is very sensitive to actions it might take which may lose votes."
The petition has picked up 5,000 names in just a few days. Please look at the petition by following this link http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/protectourcanals/ and, if you agree with it, add your own name.
Two Day Stoppage at Barton Aqueduct

Barton Aqueduct.

November 24th 2009
A stoppage will affect Barton Aqueduct on the Bridgewater Canal for two days in December to enable the structure to be inspected.
On Wednesday 9th December, the canal will be closed to navigation for most of the day, with passage being available only from 12 noon to 12.30 pm and from 4.00 to 4.30 pm
On Thursday 10th December, the canal across the aqueduct will be closed to navigation all day.
Boaters are being advised not to moor overnight at Barton Aqueduct. Suggested alternatives are at Worsley village centre, Castlefield or in Sale at the Kings Ransom public house.
Any enquiries regarding this stoppage should be made to The Bridgewater Canal Company on 0161 629 8266.
Marple Locks to be shut for three weeks

Brabyns Brow Bridge

November 19th2009
Marple Locks on the Peak Forest Canal will be closed from Monday 30th November to Thursday 17th December.
This is an unplanned stoppage, not included in the orignal winter stoppage list, to allow for emergency third-party repairs to Brabyns Brow Bridge (Station Road), adjacent to Lock 9.
This stoppage affects boaters travelling around the Cheshire Ring.
Any enquiries regarding this stoppage should be made to BW on 01782 785703.
BW now re-organised - meet the new teams
November 13th 2009
The latest re-organisation of British Waterways came into effect earlier this month. BW will now be managed from its headquarters in Watford through eleven new waterways units in England and Wales and two in Scotland.
These new units will concentrate on customer service and day to day waterway operations, while operations such as licence enforcement, moorings management and the delivery of major engineering projects will be managed by central specialist teams.
The are covered by the Pennine Waterways website will come under the wings of three of the new waterways units. These are illustrated by the map on the right.

Debbie Lumb (photo: BW)

The new North West Waterways unit covers the Lancaster Canal, the Ribble Link and the whole of the Leeds and Liverpool, including the Leigh and Rufford Branches, the Liverpool Canal Link and Liverpool Docks. Also included is the St Helens (Sankey) Canal.
Phone 01942 405700 to book passage on the Ribble Link or the Liverpool Canal Link.
The unit's office is:
Waterside House, Waterhouse Drive, Wigan, WN3 5AZ.
Telephone: 01942 405700
Email: enquiries.northwest@britishwaterways.co.uk
Debbie Lumb (left) is the manager of the new unit. Other useful contacts include: BW moorings - Leanne Pendlebury 07770 610213; Licence enforcement - Mike Fletcher 07766 992939 and Bill Walker 07788 438564; Volunteering - Cassie Weaver 07717 421467.

David Baldacchino (photo: BW)

The new Manchester and Pennine unit covers the Rochdale Canal, Huddersfield Narrow Canal, Ashton Canal, Peak Forest Canal, Macclesfield Canal and the Trent and Mersey Canal from Harecastle Tunnel to Preston Brook. Also included is the Manchester Bolton and Bury Canal.
Phone 01782 785703 to book passage of Standedge Tunnel, the Rochdale Canal 19 locks between Piccadilly and Failsworth or the Rochdale Canal Summit section.
The unit's office is:
Red Bull Wharf, Congleton Road South, Church Lawton, Stoke-on-Trent ST7 3AP.
Telephone: 01782 785703
Email: enquiries.manchesterpennine@britishwaterways.co.uk
David Baldacchino (left) is the manager of the new unit. Other useful contacts include: BW moorings - Leanne Pendlebury 07770 610213; Licence enforcement - Helen Waterman 07827 843583 and Bill Walker 07788 438564; Volunteering - Cassie Weaver 07717 421467.

Laurence Morgan (photo: BW)

The new North East Waterways unit covers the Huddersfield Broad Canal, Calder and Hebble Navigation, Aire and Calder Navigation, Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation, including the Sheffield and Tinsley Canal, Stainforth and Keadby Canal and New Junction Canal. Th earea also includes the Selby Canal, Ripon Canal, Pocklington Canal and Rivers Aire, Ure and Ouse.
The unit's office is:
Fearns Wharf, Neptune Street, Leeds LS9 8PB.
Telephone: 0113 281 6800
Email: enquiries.northeast@britishwaterways.co.uk
Laurence Morgan (left) is the manager of the new unit. Other useful contacts include: BW moorings - Rob Taylor 07789 278956; Licence enforcement - Keith Richards 07876 035146, Mark Hall 07766 774702 and Claire Mara 07920 283688; Volunteering - Cassie Weaver 07717 421467.
Leeds and Liverpool closed at Hapton

Hapton Bridge, Leeds and Liverpool Canal

November 13th 2009 updated Nov 17th, Nov 19th
The Leeds and Liverpool Canal has been closed at Hapton Bridge (bridge 121) after the bridge was struck by a vehicle.
Some of the bridge masonry has fallen onto the canal and towpath. As a result the canal has been closed until the remaining stonework can be assessed, debris removed and any emergency repairs completed.
British Waterways will issue an update notice on Monday 16th November 2009.
Any enquiries regarding this stoppage should be made to BW on 01942 405700.
Update (17th Nov):
Due to a mechanical failure of the equipment used to remove the debris, the canal at Hapton is not expected to be re-opened until November 18th.
Update (19th Nov):
The navigation is now re-opened.
Huddersfield Canal gets an Overhaul
November 6th 2009

Lock 31e, Huddersfield Narrow Canal

British Waterways has announced that the Huddersfield Narrow Canal will be receiving an overhaul during the Winter season.
A £445,000 programme of works will include the replacement of some of the lock gates at six locks between Marsden and Slaithwaite. These are Locks 28e, 29e, 31e, 33e, 40e and 42e.
The new gates will be built at British Waterways' own workshops at Stanley Ferry, Wakefield. The old gates will be re-cycled and reused for other projects.
David Baldacchino, waterways manager for British Waterways' new Manchester and Pennine region, said: "My staff put a huge amount of planning and dedicated work in to ensure that the canals stay open, accessible and in good working order and lock gate replacements such as this are a prime example of that."
The Winter maintenance programme will also include major works at Lock 14e, Golcar, where water has been leaking into the adjacent Ramsden's Mill. The canal was closed here in September when the leak became serious. An investigation revealed that a quick fix would not be possible and, as the major work was scheduled to be carried out in January, it was decided that this work should go ahead as planned and that the canal should remain closed until then.
Tinsley Locks to re-open
October 23rd 2009

Tinsley Locks

Tinsley Locks on the Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation are to re-open after a month-long closure.
British Waterways has announced that water levels are now sufficient for some managed use of the locks to resume. Boats that have been waiting to pass through the locks will be assisted through by BW staff over the weekend.
Water levels will be checked again on Monday and, if levels are sufficient, normal passage will then resume.
The stoppage began a month ago, with a problem with the pumping system that feeds the summit level from the river, and a loss of water from the summit level between Tinsley and Sheffield. As a result, Tinsley Locks were closed on 24th September.
There had been a series of delays while BW had difficulty sourcing the parts to repair the pump. Then, apparently, the wrong parts were delivered, causing a further delay.
Then a culvert was found to have collapsed, reducing the flow into the Sheffield level. BW hopes that the problems have now finally been fixed!
Sheffield Stoppage Continues
October 16th 2009

Tinsley Locks

The emergency stoppage at Tinsley Locks on the Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation, reported here three weeks ago, is set to continue.
A problem with the pumping system that feeds the summit level from the river, and a loss of water from the summit level between Tinsley and Sheffield, resulted in the closure of Tinsley Locks on 24th September.
There had been a series of delays while BW had difficulty sourcing the parts to repair the pump. Then, apparently, the wrong parts were delivered, causing a further delay.
The pump has, eventually, been repaired but it has now been discovered that there is a collapsed culvert, which means that the pump is unable to transfer sufficient volumes of water to keep the summit level topped up when the locks at Tinsley are in use.
Therefore the navigation will remain closed. BW is investigating the collapse and will issue a further update on Wednesday 21st October.
Any enquiries regarding this stoppage should be made to BW on 0113 281 6860.
Fire Shuts Rochdale Canal at Miles Platting (now re-opened)
October 16th 2009 updated October 19th

Between Locks 76 and 77, Rochdale Canal

Part of a mill wall has collapsed onto the Rochdale Canal between Locks 76 and 77, in Miles Platting, following a fire.
This has resulted in an emergency stoppage to both the navigation and towpath. BW will not be able to assess the extent of the damage until the fire is fully extinguished.
This is on the stretch of 19 locks along which passage must be pre-booked, so the canal will be closed between Locks 65 and 83. Boaters wishing to use the canal should moor at the Irk Aqueduct or Ducie Street until the canal is re-opened.
Any enquiries regarding this stoppage should be made to BW on 01942 405700.
This stoppage causes a potential problem to boaters wishing to cross the Pennines, as the Huddersfield Narrow Canal is closed between Stalithwaite and Huddersfield.
Update 19th Oct:
The navigation has re-opened but the towpath remains closed between Locks 76 and 77.
BW will issue a further update on Monday 26th October.
Stoppage at Lemonroyd (now re-opened)

Lemonroyd Lock

October 7th 2009 updated October 9th
Lemonroyd Lock on the Aire and Calder Navigation between Leeds and Castleford is currently closed after a cill failed.
British Waterways has urged boaters not to proceed beyond Woodnock Lock or Casteford as mooring above and below Lemonroyd is limited.
In addition, rcent heavy rainfall may result in the river level rising below the lock which may make it unsuitable for mooring.
BW have started work to repair the cill and hope to have the lock re-opened on Saturday 10th October.
Any enquiries regarding this stoppage should be made to BW on 0113 281 6860.
The lock has been repaired and the navigation has re-opened.
Bridge Fault Shuts Lower Peak Forest

Stanley Lift Bridge

October 1st 2009 updated October 2nd
The Lower Peak Forest Canal is closed at Dukinfield because of a hydraulics problem with Stanley Lift Bridge.
It is reported that the bridge had jammed in the up position but had to be lowered by BW staff because it is the only access for Plantation Farm. It has reportedly been welded shut for safety reasons to prevent attempts to raise the bridge.
This stoppage affects boaters travelling around the Cheshire Ring.
BW will issue an update on Friday 2nd October.
Any enquiries regarding this stoppage should be made to BW on 01942 405700.
The bridge has been repaired and the navigation has re-opened.
Pump Problem Affects Tinsley Locks

Tinsley Locks

September 24th 2009 updated Sept 28th, Oct 15th
It was reported that there is an emergency stoppage at Tinsley Locks on the Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation.
This has now been confirmed by British Waterways. The problem is with the pumping system that feeds the summit level from the river, and a loss of water from the summit level between Tinsley and Sheffield, resulting in the closure of Tinsley Locks.
It may be several days before navigation can be restored. Information will be posted here as soon as it is known.
Any enquiries regarding this stoppage should be made to BW on 0113 281 6860.
Oct 15th: The navigation is still closed. The replacement parts have arrived on site and repair work began today. BW will issue a further update on Friday 16th October.
Paddle Problem Delay on Rochdale
September 19th 2009 updated September 21st

Ealees Lock 48, Rochdale Canal

Damage to paddle gearing has resulted in a stoppage on the Rochdale Canal at Ealees Lock No 48 (Littleborough Bottom Lock).
There are no details available about why the damage requires a stoppage. It is possible that it prevents a paddle from being closed, which would make the lock unusable.
British Waterways staff have been on site assessing what needs to be done. An update will be issued on Monday 21st September.
Boats can moor below Lock 48 heading eastwards or above Lock 47 heading westwards.
The navigation has now re-opened.
Any enquiries regarding this stoppage should be made to BW on 01942 405700.
Leak will take ten weeks to fix
September 13th 2009

Ground Paddle Culvert at Lock 14e, Huddersfield Narrow Canal

British Waterways has announced that a leak will keep the east side of the Huddersfield Narrow Canal closed for ten weeks.
The leak, described as "serious", has shut the Huddersfield Narrow Canal at Ramsden Mill Lock 14e, between Slaithwaite and Milnsbridge.
There have been problems with water leaking from the lock into the nearby Ramsden Mill for around six years. Some grouting has taken place but the leaks have re-appeared. Notices have asked boaters to leave the lock empty after use.
In early September water started to leak into the mill from above the lock, believed to be from the ground paddle culvert. The pounds above and below the lock have been drained to prevent any further leakage.
British Waterways have investigated the source of the leak, in the hope that a temporary repair could be made so that the canal could be re-opened. However it was found that this will not be possible and the repairs will take around ten weeks.
Repairs to this lock, aimed at stopping the leak, were due to be carried out as part of this winter's stoppage programme
By the time the lock re-opens, the locks between Marsden and Slaithwaite will be closed for the much-needed replacement of gates at six locks.
Any enquiries regarding this stoppage should be made to BW on 0113 281 6860.
Leak Shuts Huddersfield Canal

Lock 14e, Huddersfield Narrow Canal

Tail gates chained open to keep lock empty.

September 4th 2009 updated September 9th
A leak, described as "serious", has shut the Huddersfield Narrow Canal near Lock 14e, between Slaithwaite and Milnsbridge.
The canal bank has not actually breached and there is no visible damage to the canal, but the serious leak developed on Tuesday night, with water escaping from the paddle culvert, just above the lock, into the nearby Ramsden Mill. An employee of Trojan Plastics said that it sounded like a waterfall and that at one point there was around two feet of water inside the building.
British Waterways staff have drained the lock and the pound above it, to prevent any more water escaping. They will need to remain drained until repairs can be carried out. It is thought that this means the canal will be closed here for the rest of the season.
The east side of the canal is closed from Lock 1e in Huddersfield to Lock 21e in Slithwaite. Boats approaching from the east will need to turn at Aspley Basin in Huddersfield. Boats booked to pass through Standedge Tunnel from the west are being turned back below Lock 24w at Dobcross. Boats currently at Slaithwaite or Marsden will need to go through Standedge Tunnel to leave the canal.
Currently, the BW teams are reviewing the causes and assessing the resultant works which will be required to rewater and reopen the canal.
BW will issue an update on Friday 11th September explaining their findings, confirming whether the stoppage is to be extended to the full 10 weeks originally predicted or if a temporary repair is practicable and can be effected to allow the canal to reopen in the short term.
Any enquiries regarding this stoppage should be made to BW on 0113 281 6860.
There have been ongoing problems with water leaking into Ramsden Mill from Lock 14e if boaters leave the lock filled. Signs attached to balance beams asked boaters to leave the lock empty after use. Machinery has had to be removed from the workshop in the mill because of the flooding.
The lock side has been grouted but the problems were re-appearing. The serious leak that occurred this week was believed to be not from the lock itself, as it continued after the lock was emptied, but from above the lock. There is no visible sign of damage and it is thought that water may have seeped through stonework of the paddle culvert and created a cavity.