Nov 07: The original wash walls have been uncovered below East Ordsall Lane Bridge. These are to be re-used as part of the restored channel.
The photos on this page were taken in November 2007 by John Fletcher. Photos of this section of canal taken in 2005, before work started, can be found here.

Nov 07: The road crossing East Ordsall Lane Bridge has been widened as part of the work in the area. The in-filled channel under the bridge has been excavated.

Nov 07: During the excavation of the channel below East Ordsall Lane Bridge, the original bywash exit for Lock 3 was uncovered. This is the round opening in the wash wall. The re-routing of BT fibre-optic cable bundles, visible under the bridge, are likely to cause a delay in re-opening of this part of the canal to early summer 2008.

Dec 07: Under East Ordsall Lane Bridge, showing the towpath (left) and the fibre-optic cable bundles which need to be removed.

Nov 07: The chamber of the excavated Lock 3, which will be re-used as part of the restored canal. This photo was taken in September 2007, before new concrete wash walls were constructed beyond the lock.

Nov 07: The new concrete wash walls above Lock 3, l;ooking towards East Ordsall Lane Bridge. The wooden shuttering has been removed. The Beetham Tower dominates the skyline beyond.

Nov 07: Looking east from the site of the old Salford No. 1 Tunnel, near Oldfield Road. The new concrete wash wall on the left has been back-filled. This has still to be done on the right.

Nov 07: Looking east from near Oldfield Road. A winding hole is to be made here, to enable boats to turn. When the railway was built, the canal was re-aligned here and made a sharp turn into the Salford No 2 Tunnel, beneath the tracks (to the left of the photo). This will be the second phase of the canal restoration at a later date.