Virtual Cruise - Wigan to Leigh (4)

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from Dover Bridge, Leigh Branch, Leeds and Liverpool Canal
Looking from Dover Bridge towards Plank Lane.
Dover Bridge, Leigh Branch, Leeds and Liverpool Canal
Looking back towards Dover Bridge.
Improved towpath, Leigh Branch, Leeds and Liverpool Canal. Photo: Raymond Smith
The towpath surface alongside the canal has been improved since most of these photographs were taken. Photo: Raymond Smith
Smiths Bridge, Leigh Branch, Leeds and Liverpool Canal
Smiths Bridge.
former railway bridge, Leigh Branch, Leeds and Liverpool Canal
Abutment of former railway bridge.
Gerrards Bridge, Leigh Branch, Leeds and Liverpool Canal
Gerrards Bridge.
Plank Lane Bridge, Leigh Branch, Leeds and Liverpool Canal. Photo: Raymond Smith
Approaching Plank Lane Lift Bridge. The narrows before the bridge are the site of a former lock chamber. Photo: Raymond Smith
Plank Lane Bridge, Leigh Branch, Leeds and Liverpool Canal. Photo: Raymond Smith
Plank Lane Bridge. Thew bridge is now boater-operated, but passage is not available during rush hours. Photo: Raymond Smith
Marina, Plank Lane, Leigh Branch, Leeds and Liverpool Canal. Photo: Raymond Smith
Looking east from Plank Lane Bridge. A new marina has been constructed to the left. Photo: Raymond Smith
Marina, Plank Lane, Leigh Branch, Leeds and Liverpool Canal. Photo: Raymond Smith
Looking back to Plank Lane Bridge, with the new marina to the right. Photo: Raymond Smith

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