A concrete box-culvert bridge has been constructed in situ on the concrete base. The spaces on each side are being back-filled. A platform for the towpath through the bridge has been constructed.

The box-culvert bridge erected on the concrete base. Wing walls have been constructed.

July 6th: Stoney Battery looking east. The platform that will carry the towpath can be seen. A wing wall to retain the embankment has been built on the left and the space behind filled with hard core. A concrete parapet is being constructed on the bridge. The roadway is now open across the bridge. The embankment carrying the temporary road has been removed. Work has started on the construction of the continuation of the towpath.

The concrete structure of the bridge is complete and the walls are being clad with stone.

The bridge is complete, although the footpath across it is being finished off.

July 27th: Looking east to the completed bridge.

July 27th: Looking west along the towpath.
Next page: Golcar Aqueduct