This page shows pictures of the restoration of Division Bridge Aqueduct near the boundary between Saddleworth and Mossley. It is also called the Royal George Aqueduct as it is not far from the Royal George Mills.

Looking north towards Division Bridge Aqueduct, Friezland, from Division Bridge, which marks the boundary between Saddleworth and Mossley. The aqueduct is sometimes known as the Royal George Aqueduct. While work was being carried out, the canal had been stanked each side of the aqueduct.

The north side of the aqueduct. The stonework above the nearer arch has needed to be re-built. Division Bridge can be seen in the background. (March 12th)

Looking north east, showing the new wash wall connecting to the repaired concrete channel. The stonework along the channel edges has been repaired. The concrete channel below the water line, made as an earlier repair, had to be lined and sprayed with a layer of concrete. (April 10th)

Fitting oak fenders to protect the repaired channel. (April 10th)

The drained channel of the aqueduct, looking towards Wharmton hill, showing a curving fender. (April 10th)

Looking down to Division Bridge Aqueduct from Stockport Road. (April 10th)

May 10th: Looking north east. The work on the aqueduct is complete: the towpath has been re-instated. A new path is being contructed to the north west side of the aqueduct from the lane near the bridge. This will lead down to the river bank below.
My thanks to British Waterways for allowing access to take some of these photographs.